Friday, March 20, 2009

Green Items

OK, well just like a large portion of the world. I like things that are good for the environment. One big thing my family has try to cut out of our lives are disposables. Which means we try to use as little paper product in our home as possible. We also love reusable shopping bags napkins, table cloths, etc. We are always looking for new and colorful items to add to our modest collection of reusables. I especially love bags. Reusable bags are an awesome shopping item to have. I take them with me every time I grocery shop and my local store gives my $.05 for every bag I bring to use. That's awesome right? So in essence the bags eventually pay for themselves.
Anyway, there is a site that was brought to my attention that carries such items. They have table linens, cloth napkins and rings, hobo bags & Quilted Purses (which are both great to use as shopping bags), faux and real leather items and giftable items too. Their site is called Pomegranate Inc. They are a little pricey if you are looking for a bargain but they have some beautiful patterns and items available. Check it out esp. for Spring colors and patterns.

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