Friday, May 21, 2010

Quick random update

I haven't been online much this week. It was Shavuos. I had tons of fun. I got to hang out with an awesome lady for a few hours just chatting and I really felt like she "got" me. It was great to feel connected to another spiritual being again. For some reason today...I feel like I am reconnected to HaShem. It has been awhile and I was pretty much just doing the daily basics but today I feel like I need to do so much more. I will be learning this Shabbos for sure.
Also this past Tuesday was my 1 month veggiversary!!! Yay me! I feel so much healthier and energetic, even though I can't seem to sleep anymore. I just wish it wasn't either raining or 137 degrees outside. OK that's a bit of an exaggeration but you get my point. Being veg also makes me feel like I am respecting HaShem's creations. I know we are ALLOWED to eat animals but I don't see why we do if we can survive without them.
But I digress....
I just finished the dishes and wanted to get online for a few before my oldest daughter comes home from school. I am off to clean the living room now in honor of the Shabbos Queen.
I leave you with a beautiful hymn in Her honor...

Hymn for the Sabbath Eve

(Friday Sundown)

by Rabbi Isaac Luria, the Ari Zaal

I sing in hymns
to enter the gates
of the Field
of holy apples.
A new table
we prepare for Her,
a lovely candelabrum
sheds its light upon us.

Between right and left
the Bride approaches,
in holy jewels
and festive garments.

Her Husband embraces Her
in Her foundation,
giving Her pleasure,
squeezing out his strength.

Torment and trouble
are ended.
Now there are joyous faces
and spirits and souls.

He gives Her great joy
in twofold measure.
Light shines upon Her
and streams of blessing.

Bridesmen go forth
and prepare the Bride's adornments,
food of various kinds
all manner of fish.

To beget souls
and new spirits
on the thirty-two paths
and three branches.

She has seventy crowns
and the supernal King,
that all may be crowned
in the Holy of Holies.

All the worlds are engraved
and concealed within Her,
but all shine forth
from the "Ancient of Days."

May it be His will
that He dwell among His people,
who take joy for His sake
with sweets and honey.

In the south I set
the hidden candelabrum,
I make room in the north
for the table with the loaves.

With wine in beakers
and boughs of myrtle
to fortify the Betrothed,
to strengthen the weak.

We plait them wreaths
of precious words
for the crowning of the seventy
in fifty gates.

Let the Shekhinah be adorned
by six Sabbath loaves
connected on every side
with the Heavenly Sanctuary.

Weakened and cast out
the impure powers,
the menacing demons
are now in fetters.

Baruch Hashem it's almost Shabbos!!! Enjoy your weekend all!!

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